Dayak is an indigenous tribe living in Borneo. Dayaktersebar tribe on the island of Borneo and Malaysia has a unique culture, many Dayak tribes who still live in the jungle of Borneo and not least also to socialize and mingle with the newcomers in the big cities as well as educated. Dayak culture that likes to move to look for fertile agricultural land to make them not only centered in one place and make them scattered in various places that are difficult to reach.
But they still have the same spirit and way of thinking are similar, such as the hard-working spirit, friendly, shoulder to shoulder in a spirit of togetherness which is maintained until now.
Proven soul still emanated from building their homes called betang or longhouse, where togetherness and family life is still deeply felt.
betang Dayak Dayak Kalimantan tengahRumah betang not only built as a residence alone. But more than that betang Dayak has other functions customary high value. Betang found in Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan.
Betang Dayak always shaped stage and in accordance with the long name. This form was chosen not without reason. Betang shape shaped stage that serves to:
Avoiding home from flooding, as many betang Dayak were built on the riverbank.
To protect the inhabitants from wild animals.
To protect the occupants from the enemy.
Elongated shape capable of accommodating up to approximately 150 people or 5-30 households or more. This allows them to remain in one roof, so that they are easy to communicate and protect each other and help each other in any case such as the economy, jobs and other sebagainya.rumah betang Dayak in Central Kalimantan
In general betang Dayak made upstream and downstream faces east facing west. It is a symbol for the Dayak community. Upstream facing east or sunrise has a philosophy of hard work, namely to work as early as possible. While downstream facing west or sunset have a philosophy, will not go home or stop working before sunset.
Here are the specific characteristics betang Dayak
Upstream and downstream house facing East facing West.
High house from the ground between three (3) meters to five (5) meters.
Long home ranging from 30 meters to 150 meters, width 30 meters sekirat.
The walls are made of wooden architecture with gable extends jeans
The room is divided into
Sado: the court is passing lane occupants of the home or a place to perform activities such as a customary deliberation, a weave, a pound rice and others.
Padong: ie family room dimensions between 4 × 6 meters. Usually each head of household had one Padong used to gather to eat, drink, receive guests and others.
Booth: used for bed. Booth only separated by netting course, both husband and wife booths, cubicles boys, as well as booth girls.
Kitchen: The last space is the kitchen, in the house has a kitchen that is usually located behind.
1 ladder has called hejot and one entrance. Usually there is a sculpture called smart that is placed near the entrance, the statue itself is a statue of offerings for their ancestors. Before it is placed at the front door or Rancak sculptures usually have gone through a process of traditional ceremonies.
The middle part of the house usually inhabited by indigenous elders.
The walls and pillars have carvings that contain Dayak philosophy.
Totem contained on the webpage or cult statue.
Tourism betang
betang Dayak Kalimantan tengahRumah betang is very difficult to find in places that are easily accessible. Especially since people's lives Dayang tribe who prefer to stay on the edge of the river. Although so we can still see some betang Dayak pristine and betang Dayak deliberately constructed as a cultural overview betang Dayak true.
You can visit some of the following areas to be able to watch betang
Central Kalimantan
Original betang Dayak house that was built in 1870 in the village are Buntoi, District Kahayan Hilir Home Knives Central Kalimantan. The house is facing directly towards Kahayan
The village tumbles Bukoi Mandau sub Talawang, Kapuas, Central Kalimantan
Sei Passover, District Kapuas Downstream, Kapuas, Central Kalimantan
West Kalimantan
Lt. road Sutoyo, Pontianak, West Kalimantan
Sahapm village district. Pahauman, Porcupine District, West Kalimantan
Kopar village, District Parindu, the district, West Kalimantan
Hulu Sungai Antu, District Belitang Hulu, Sekadau District, West Kalimantan
Long Ensaid village, District Kelam, Sintang district, West Kalimantan
betang Dayak in Central Kalimantan
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