A visit to the museum will always be filled with memories of past history, the legacy objects, the museum often invites us to fantasize and imagine how the lives of kings and past conditions in the local area.
One very famous museum in the island of Borneo adalahMuseum Mulawarman. Museum Mulawarman least has approximately 5373 collection of historical objects that are divided into various types. However, the classification was based on the classification of the museum in general. Of the total of 5373 pieces of historical collections are divided into:
Geology 55 Fruit Collection
Biologika 155 Fruit
Fruit 2,037 Etnografika
43 Fruit Archaeology
Fruit 1,295 Historika
Numismatic / heraldika 880 Fruit
Filologika 31 Fruit
Keramologi 581 Fruit
Arts 197 Fruit
Teknologika 99 Fruit.
Historic objects on top made of various materials, such as wood, bark, cloth, brass, iron and so forth, according to some sources from a total collection of historical objects that, 50 percent is historical objects made of organic materials, and 50 percent longer made of inorganic materials.
History Museum Mulawarman
Museum Mulawarman-Tenggarong Kalimantan timurMuseum previous Mulawarman is building Kutai Sultanate founded in 1932 by the Dutch government and handed over to the Sultan's palace Adji Muhammad Parikshit in 1935. The building materials are dominated by concrete from the basement, floors, walls, insulation up to the roof.
On the front page there is a duplicate statue Lembuswana museum which is a symbol of the Kingdom of the aquatic mammal. Adopting the architecture of this museum of traditional architecture Dayak in Kutai.
The museum was inaugurated on 25 November 1971 by Governor Abdel Wahab Sjahranie, then handed over to the Ministry of Education and Culture on 18 February 1976. It now also built as a residence hall Kedaton Sultan Aji Muhammad Salehuddin II has been crowned back in 2002. In addition to it is within the imperial palace there is also a family funeral and the relatives of the Kingdom of the aquatic mammal Jami 'Aji Amir Hasanuddin.
Museum Mulawarman
The number of collections of historical relics contained in the Museum Mulawarman menjadikanya one-Tenggarong Mulawarman Museum Kalimantan timurmuseum with the most complete collection.
Mulawarman museum consists of two floors. On the lower floor there is a collection of Chinese ceramics. while the second floor contains a collection of relics of patterned art. On the back of the museum there is a souvenir shop Dayak culture, stone jewelry, as well as other souvenirs.
Throne, as the seat of kings and empress. This throne made of wood, the seat and back support given layer containing cotton and wrapped in yellow cloth. This throne was made with a European style, its creator is a Dutchman named Ir.Vander Lube in 1935.
Lembuswana sculpture, Symbol Kutai, made in Burma in 1850 and arrived at the Palace of Kutai in 1900. Lembuswana believed as vehicle mounts Guru. Another name is Paksi Liman Lembuswana Yoksi cowboy, the ox-faced elephant, winged birds like the horned cattle, bertaji and persists like a rooster, a giant head is also equipped with a variety of ornaments that makes this statue looks beautiful.
Uncal necklace, an oversized accessories Kutai Sultanate are used at the coronation of Sultan Kutai be King or at the time of Sultan celebrate the anniversary of the birth and coronation of the Emperor as well as other sacred events.
Sweep cannon Jagad Heritage VOC, Netherlands
Yupa inscription, is a clone of the original Yupa contained in the National Museum in Jakarta. Yupa inscription was inscriptions found in the hills Brubus Muara Kaman. 7th this inscription marks the beginning of the historical era in Indonesia, which is the first written evidence is found in the form of Pallava script in Sanskrit.
Set Gamelan of Yogyakarta Kraton 1855
Hindu statues
Guest table set relics of the Sultanate of Bulungan
Ulap Doyo, an object Dayak handicrafts Benuaq
Minirama (manuscript) about the history of the kingdom of Kutai
Numismatic collections in the form of currency and other means of exchange
Ceramic collection from China, Japan, Vietnam and Thailand
Museum Mulawarman-Tenggarong Kalimantan timurLokasi Museum Mulawarman
Mulawarman Museum is located in Tenggarong City, the capital of Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.
Towards access Mulawarman Museum
Mileage museum Mulawarman of Balikpapan around 3 hours. Meanwhile, if you access the museum by traveling overland from Samarinda will take about 45 minutes.
Rates Entrance Museum Mulawarman
Mulawarman museum opened to visitors every day.
The entrance fee to the Museum Mulawarman categories:
Adults: Rp. 2.500, - per person
Children: 1.000, - per person
Parking lot
Worship place
Souvenir sales center (souvenirs)
Shops and food stalls
Lodging in Tenggarong
Museum Mulawarman-Tenggarong in East Kalimantan
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