Uniqueness Jayawijaya Peak

Puncak JayawijayaPuncak Jayawijaya or commonly called Carstensz Peak is the only puncakgunung in Indonesia which has eternal snow. This peak rises more than 5,000 meters above sea level. More proud again is Mount Jayawijaya into the list of the Seven Summits, or seven mountains with the highest peak in the world.
Jayawijaya peak was first conquered by a Dutch explorer named Hendrik Albert in 1909. Lorentz Lorentz managed to climb the snowy peaks along six Dayak Kenyah which recruits in Borneo. After the successful ascent, starting many climbers who follow in the footsteps Lorentz to conquer the peak of Jayawijaya. Hmm, are you the next climber who conquered Carstensz?
Puncak Jayawijaya

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