hill bengkirai

Hasil gambar untuk wisata alam BUKIT BENGKIRAIHasil gambar untuk wisata alam BUKIT BENGKIRAIBangkirai Hill tourist area located in jln.Samarinda-Balikpapan Km 38. To reach this location ± 20 km entrance towards jln.Samboja-Petung. From Aberdeen, this region is a journey of 90 minutes ± 58 km, while from Tenggarong and Samarinda ± is 150 km. Bangkirai Hill tourist area is a tourist attraction adventurers who are in areas of primary forest and is part of the tropical rain forest area managed by PT.Inhutani.Selain forest landscape natural atmosphere with a variety of flora and fauna, the tourist area of Bukit Bangkirai offer main attractions being the peculiarities of this tourist area, the bridge canopy (canopy Bridge) which has a height of 30 mtr from the ground.
Results image for BENGKIRAI HILL nature drawing results for natural attractions HILL BENGKIRAI

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